
tech talk details

Speakers & Topics 

sunday, July 31

9:00 – 10:00 AM

Radek Wyrzykowski

weather for dummies

“Uneven heating of the earth” – what does it all mean? As the weather and climate changes it is a great time to focus on how that affects our flying. To that end Radek is presenting "Weather for Dummies". He breaks down complex concepts in simple terms you can understand without a degree in meteorology. What you will learn you will be able to apply for practical purposes in your aviation activities.


10:15 – 11:15 AM

Doug Stewart

Fast TRack to your Pilot cettificate

Are you thinking about learning to fly? MCFI Doug Stewart will offer some advice gleaned from years of instructing to ensure a beginning pilot an efficient and expedient path from the first intro flight all the way to the final practical test. Discover how to find and choose the right flight instructor for you. Learn about the many resources available that can be used to help along the way.


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