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The Pilot Proficiency Center features over 30 simulation missions. These Scenarios and Exercises were created by flight educators and technical teams from SAFE, Redbird Flight Simulations, Community Aviation, PilotEdge and Mindstar Aviation. There are two basic mission types: exercises for pilot skill building and scenarios that demand judgement from a pilot in command in order to successfully complete.
Scenarios are missions that require a strong dose of judgement to complete. They begin and end on the ground, hopefully at an airport. An unlike the companion exercises there is not a prescribed completion. You are in command.
Missions for Skill Building
Combinations of Exercises and Scenarios focused on specific subject matter.
Whether you’ve the good fortune of attending the PPC at EAA AirVenture at this year or not we want you to be a proficient and safe pilot. We’re creating a flight training network so that pilots can have access to the same resources we’ve assembled at Oshkosh. Help us build it by letting us know you want this program in your community.