You and a training partner will be paired with a qualified instructor who knows your flying profile and what you need to work on.
Discover aviation through hands-on learning with practical, engaging workshops led by seasoned aviation professionals.
Master flying in a safe, simulated environment, guided by experts to navigate diverse and challenging aviation scenarios.
You and a partner share your own instructor. You'll work as a team and on your own.
Make new friends and share your training experience with your fellow classmates.
Stay in touch with your training partner and your classmates. Keep learning year round.
Earn knowledge credit for the clinic and get flight credit for the final mission.
Save with discounts at the Hilton Garden Inn. Taxi your plane to the hotel ramp.
You and your instructor will create your own Proficiency365™ training plan.
Train with an instructor in your airplane. Get that flight review you need (additional charge).
Advanced VFR Weekend
April 26-28, 2024 (20 students)
Friday 12:00 - Sunday 12:00
Welcome to a weekend of optimal learning. You'll gain skills that will lead to safer flight and develop an outlook for year-round proficiency training. At Spring to Proficiency you won't just learn, you'll do. You'll be immersed in hands-on workshops and then directed to apply your acquired knowledge in the sim.
The EAA Pilot Proficiency Center (PPC) is first-class training environment with classrooms, dedicated briefing space, and twelve state of the art Redbird flight simulation devices. These aren't your daddy's sims. Each Redbird LD is equipped with virtual ATC from PilotEdge, current navigation data from RealNav, synchronized own ship capability with ForeFlight, CloudAhoy for debriefing and all-glass panels.
You and your partner will work as a team with your own flight instructor. The three of you with work together, each training to reach your goals. The teaching approach is immersive and personal. Regardless of your experience you will feel ample pressure to expand your flight envelope and embed newly acquired knowledge and skills that you can put to work in your airplane.
You'll come home a more confident pilot and with your own customized Proficiency365™ training plan.
07:00 - 08:00 Breakfast
Learners Split into 2 Groups
08:00 - 09:30 Group 1: Final Mission Scenario
Group 2: Proficiency365™ plan
09:30 - 11:00 Group 1: Proficiency365™ plan
Group 2: Final Mission Scenario
11:00 - 11:30 Final Mission Debrief
11:30 - 12:00 Clinic Closing Remarks
Advanced IFR Proficiency Clinic
April 29 - May 1, 2024 (20 students)
Monday 12:00 - Wednesday 12:00
Instrument flight can be challenging with demanding situations that seem to appear at the worst time, especially flying single pilot IFR. Are you really prepared for heavy IMC? Are you comfortable flying in the system? Can you handle the unexpected? Do you know your equipment?
Jump start your flying season with a renewed focus on proficiency and safety. You and a fellow teammate will be paired with an instructor for hours of knowledge, procedural and scenario-based training. Enhance your precision and decision-making skills with sophisticated simulations and workshops.
Your IFR clinic begins just after registration. We'll work to get to know your flying style, needs and desires before your arrive so that your instructor is ready with your personal syllabus. You'll be matched with a training teammate and you'll train together and on your own.
You'll attend workshops and then apply what you've learned in the sim flying select mission exercises and scenarios. All of the Redbird sims are equipped with live ATC, synchronized ownship capability with ForeFlight, current navigation data and G1000 glass panels. It's as real as it gets.
07:00 - 08:00 Breakfast
Learners Split into 2 Groups
08:00 - 09:30 Group 1: Final Mission Scenario
Group 2: Proficiency365™ plan development
09:30 - 11:00 Group 1: Proficiency365™ plan development
Group 2: Final Mission Scenario
11:00 - 11:30 Final Mission Debrief
11:30 - 12:00 Clinic Closing Remarks
Proficiency365™ is a year round personal pilot proficiency training program.
Your three days of immersion training will yield enormous benefits but the key is to continue your training when you go home. Pilots flying 50-100 hours per year, even with annual recurrent training, risk periodic short term decay and steady long term decay if they allow gaps in their training regimen.
Proficiency365™ provides a custom monthly program for pilots to follow. Monthly training makes time for refining existing, and building new, skills.
The centerpiece of the chronic proficiency program is the P365 worksheet. The X & Y axes delineate elements of a training regimen over time. Each month offers opportunities for practice approaches, emergencies, departure procedures, etc. The initial plan is set up by the CA advocate based on their findings of the pilot applicant.
This is your proficiency diet. Your monthly path to proficiency. Learn more about P365 here.
A snack diet of more regular training may work better than a biannual feast. The cornerstone is working with the right instructor and maintaining the proper mindset. Substitute the annual three-days of drinking through a fire hose and adopt a monthly proficiency diet. Train more, harder, better - for a lot less!