In this engaging workshop, not only will you discover the critical importance of resetting after errors, but you'll also learn practical strategies on how to reset effectively. Delve into the profound impact of your thoughts on flying performance and gain valuable insights to elevate your aviation experience.
Tuesday, July 23rd
Pilot Proficiency at EAA AirVenture 2024
One of the most powerful predictors of success is Mindset. As pilots, we know this. But how do you teach these things? See how mental performance training works.
If elite athletes need coaching then pilots probably need it too. Flying is a game that doesn't stop. You've to finish that flight. And you want to land on your terms. That's a win.
What if you have a failure? What do you do with that? We'll apply the mindset of "mistake recovery" at the sim. You can't pullover on a cloud, but the Redbird has a pause button.